Our sweet Millie Kate is turning 6 months old tomorrow. I cannot believe how fast time is going. We were not expecting to have another baby so soon after Joel but we couldn't imagine our lives any other way. Millie has been such a wonderful addition to our family. I cried and prayed and cried and prayed some more when I found out I was expecting her. I asked God for an easy baby because I was already feeling overwhelmed raising my then 14 month old who still wasn't sleeping through the night. Well God heard my pray and answered it in a big big way. Millie is the happiest, most easy going baby ever. She always has a smile for you, even if she has just met you. She has slept through the night since 3 weeks old! We can't wait to see how God uses her sweet nature to bless others in His kingdom.
at her 4 month appointment she was 11.6 pounds.We go to the doctor next week for her 6 month appointment. All I know is she is tiny.
- Tried baby food for the first time this past month. Started with carrots and she wasn't a fan. We moved on to sweet potatoes and they are her new love. She ate 2 tsps. tonight.
- Benn rolling over for about a month back to tummy
- Practicing siting up
- We started playing in our exersaucer and we love it.
- being left alone
- taking baths
- not being able to go to sleep exactly at the moment she wants to at night
- the ergo baby carrier
- her tag blanket
- watching her big brother
- storytime
- chewing on Sophie the giraffe
1 comment:
Can't believe that sweet baby is six months old already! Happy 1/2 birthday, precious Millie Kate! :)
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