June 11, 2012

Songs + People = Happy Baby

Hanging out in the balloons before VBS

It isn't easy being a minster's kid but luckily Joel has adjusted well and as far as we can tell he loves it. Like really LOVES it.

Joel is a people person. People are always so excited when he smiles at them, they think they are special (which they are) but truth be told Joel smiles at everyone. It is perfect in every way. I love the way his whole body lights up and he gets a huge grin on his face. He enjoys going to church each week and seeing all of his friends. He likes cuddling with Ms. Cara in the nursery during class and listening and watching everyone during service. On Wednesday evenings he loves being in class with his friends and playing with Ms. Joyce and Ms. Dinea.

Joel enjoys singing the most. I think it is because we did so much of it throughout my pregnancy. We sing all the time and I play his Zoe and Praise Baby cd's for him during the day. He will just lay and listen and kick happily on the floor. His favorite way to sing though is in his mommy or daddy's lap looking at us as we joyfully praise the Lord.This past week he thoroughly enjoyed his first VBS and all the singing that goes on at the end. We can't wait until he is old enough to join us in song. 

1 comment:

see what i sea designs said...

so cute! I can't wait to meet him!