August 24, 2010

My Other Blog

My posts here at Captivating Heart have been lacking lately and for that I apologize.

However my time has been spent sprucing up my other blog. Before you cry jealousy on behalf of Captivating Heart my other blog is not a personal one. It is for my husband, Phil work or should I say our ministry.

Phil is the campus minister for the Elmwood Church of Christ. He spends his days at the church owned home on the campus of Purdue University. Yesterday was the first day of classes hence the busyness of our lives. This weekend on top of having our first Youth and Family Ministry candidate in town Phil was also preaching and preparing for the weeks activities.

The first week of school we try and have an event each night at the Christian Student Center (CSC). This allows the students to slowly ease in to the school year with a little relaxation and fun in the evenings with close friends. It also allows our incoming freshman to get to know Phil and I as well as the other students who come to the CSC. These activities are also a great time for students to invite friends, dorm mates, room mates, co-workers and random people they see on the sidewalk to fellowship with us.

We entice students with free food, kickball, corn hole, movies and loving kindness.

You can read more about what goes on at the Christian Student Center on My other Blog!

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