February 17, 2010

My Life in Bullet Points

  • Phil and I are finding ourselves EXTREMELY busy! Every night during the week we have something planned and most of the time on the weekends as well. It isn't a bad thing but we are finding less time to be at home relaxing.
  • The CSC women are going through a Bible Study called "Running Nowhere in Every Direction". It has been really great to discuss in detail our busyness, schedules, expectations and how we can spend more time with Jesus Christ.
  • Our "All Cash System" is sort of working sort of not. We both fell into a BAD habit of using the debit card for purchases. It is just so easy to simply swipe. I find myself forgetting my purse when we go to the store and therefore having to use Phil's credit card. We also make a lot of online purchases. We are still staying within our smaller food and out to eat budget but we are having to take money out of the envelopes and return it to the bank when we accidentally use our credit card.
  • The wall project has been halted. With the snow storm last weekend we weren't able to get the wood from the store and then last weekend we were too busy to even think about it. Hopefully we will finish it soon! I want to start decorating!
  • My goal of living a more healthy lifestyle is really going well! I have been to the gym everyday this week and ran 3 miles on the elliptical! My calories got a little out of whack over the weekend with Valentines Day dinner from Qdoba but I have been doing better this week! I have gotten to the point where I LOVE going to the gym. I enjoy eating healthy and I think it alright to let myself splurge on ice cream or pizza every once and awhile.
  • Knock on wood times ten! I haven't been sick at all this winter! A few mornings of runny noses and a little bit of a sore throat but no medication or doctors visits have been necessary! Praise God!
  • I am loving winter this year in Indiana. We have had so much snow and I love it!
  • Things at work are going so well. We had a lot of success with a recent Super Bowl Survey event and are hoping to get published in the newspaper next week. We are currently holding a contest to try and get our Facebook Fan Page more fans! We are giving away movie tickets so if you want to learn more about what I do for a living you can join us at Drug-Free Coalition of Tippecanoe County on Facebook!

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